Protect Jewish Safety: Oppose Mask Bans!

Banning masks won’t stop antisemitism, but it will put Jews in immediate danger. Add your voice to say #NoNYMaskBan!

Mask Bans Put Us at Risk

Banning masks won't deter antisemites but will immediately harm the health of New Yorkers and visitors. Republican politicians in NY have pushed mask bans since 2021. This was never about our safety, but now they happily use Jewish pain as a justification.

There are no workable health exemptions when everyone has the right to protect their health. Masking isn't just for high-risk individuals; it protects others and prevents post-COVID issues. Since anyone can get COVID-19, everyone deserves the right to wear a mask.

These bans further marginalize disabled people and increase COVID risk for all, especially those at high risk. To do this in the name of protecting Jews – 20% of whom have a disability and many of whom mask for the safety of ourselves and our communities – is beyond the pale.

About NY’s Mask Bans

Comments from Signees

Make Your Voice Heard

Once you’ve signed our letter, join us in urging Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, and New York State and NYC elected officials to uphold the right of all New Yorkers to wear a mask.

Sign Your Name

We will display only your name and title on the publicly available letter. We may contact you for future organizing and use parts of your comments anonymously on social media. Please contact us with any questions.

If you are unable to sign via our Google Form, you may fill out our alternate submission form.

Dear Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams,

We write to you as Jewish New Yorkers, commuters, and potential tourists who are deeply concerned to learn that both the governor and the mayor of NYC support banning face masks on the subway and in other public places, even as COVID-19, as well as other viruses and pollution, continue to harm New Yorkers. We are particularly horrified that such bans could be enacted in the name of “combating antisemitism.” Mask bans are a direct violation of Jewish values as well as being ableist, infringing upon First Amendment rights, and putting all New Yorkers in danger.

Masks are essential tools for health. We oppose any legislation that compromises our safety, or that of our congregants and community members, under the guise of security. Everyone—whether ill, immunocompromised, disabled, an older adult, or simply exercising caution—must be allowed to wear masks to help protect themselves and others from illness. A mask ban claiming to protect Jews from antisemitic acts would only place them in greater danger…

Read the Full Letter