About Jews for Mask Rights

This letter was written by a small group of Jewish New Yorkers and isn't affiliated with other organizations.  We met through the COVID-cautious community while discussing the devastating possible outcomes of a proposed mask ban in New York.  

We would love for you to sign.  We plan to share this letter with the Governor, Mayor, and other elected officials. Please assume that your name will be displayed, along with your title if you’re a Jewish leader. We may contact you for further action items, but we’re not promoting any other causes. If you have any questions, please read our privacy policy or email us at jewsformaskrights@gmail.com.

We're all concerned for our health and safety in the event of a ban, and we really appreciate your support. 

Thank you for signing and sharing!

Stand with us by adding your name.

Join over 1,000 Jewish leaders and community members opposing legislation that threatens Jewish safety under the guise of "security."