Share Our Open Letter

Spread the word about the dangers of mask bans by sharing our open letter on social media using the hashtags #JewsForMaskRights and #NoNYMaskBan.

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Twitter: @Jews4MaskRights

Instagram: @Jews4MaskRights

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Sample Messaging

Add your voice to the hundreds of Jewish leaders and community members who say  #NoNYMaskBan! Sign the letter today:

As a Jewish leader, I say #NoNYMaskBan! Everyone deserves the right to protect their health. Sign the letter today!

As a Jewish community member, I say #NoNYMaskBan! Everyone deserves the right to protect their health. Sign the letter today!

I want a New York that's accessible for everyone. Don't ban masks here! #JewsForMaskRights #NoNYMaskBan

Jewish values prioritize health and safety. Sign our open letter opposing mask bans in NYC! Join us at #JewsForMaskRights #NoNYMaskBan

People I love need to be able to take the train safely. Don't ban masks in New York! #JewsForMaskRights #NoNYMaskBan

Banning masks won’t stop antisemitism, but it will endanger Jews. Join the hundreds of Jews who say  #NoNYMaskBan! Add your name:

Join us in protecting the health and safety of all New Yorkers: Say NO to mask bans! 🔗 #NoNYMaskBan #JewsForMaskRights

Protecting lives is a Jewish value! Let me protect myself and others. #JewsForMaskRights #NoNYMaskBan

Encourage Others to Sign

Ask your friends, family, and community members to join you in signing the open letter. Every signature counts in making our voices heard.

Sample Messaging:

I'm reaching out because our community needs your support. Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams of NYC are considering banning face masks in public places, including the subway. This proposed ban is alarming, especially as COVID-19, other viruses, and pollution continue to threaten our health and safety.

As a Jewish [New Yorker/commuter/potential tourist], I am deeply concerned. This ban would violate Jewish values, which prioritize the protection of life, and infringe upon our First Amendment rights. It endangers everyone, particularly the ill, immunocompromised, disabled, and those exercising caution.

No possible “health exemption” is workable when everyone must have a right to protect themselves and others. As seen in North Carolina, mask bans can lead to harassment and assault of mask wearers even before such laws are enacted. New Yorkers have already been subject to physical attack due to mask usage, and a ban will only increase this danger.

We have drafted an open letter to Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams, urging them to reconsider. We need as many signatures as possible to make our voices heard.

Please join us by signing the open letter at

You can also help by sharing the letter on social media using the hashtags #JewsForMaskRights and #NoNYMaskBan. Every signature counts.