Privacy Policy

We understand the importance of protecting your personal information. Below, you’ll find details on how we handle your data and the measures we take to safeguard your privacy.

Information Collection and Use

We understand any concerns about signing your name for safety reasons. We collect the minimum amount of information necessary to support our cause. This includes:

  • Names: If you prefer, you may substitute your first or last name with an initial. 

  • Email: For communication and verification purposes only. We will never share or display your email publicly. This also helps us avoid duplicate signatures.

  • Title: If relevant, this may be displayed on the public version of the letter.

  • Affiliation: For internal identification only.

  • Location: It’s important to share an accurate zip code if this moves to legislation, especially for New Yorkers. We do ask for the zip code and state to be accurate. We will not display locations next to names but may share demographic breakdowns. The most specific location breakdowns we will share are the five boroughs. Everything else will be at the city or state level.

  • Additional Comments: We may use an anonymized version of your comment for social media. If you do not want to have your comment shared publicly, please mention that in your comment. 

If you have further concerns, please reach out to us at

Data Storage

All collected information is securely stored using Google Form responses and their auto-generated spreadsheet.

Public Display of Information

  • Names and Titles: We will publicly display your name and any relevant titles as part of our advocacy efforts.

  • Demographic Breakdowns: We will not display locations next to names on a website but may share demographic breakdowns. For maximum impact, we may share zip codes next to names directly with relevant legislators when delivering letters. The five boroughs are the most specific public location breakdowns we will share online. Everything else will be at the city or state level.

  • Additional Comments: We may use an anonymized version of your comment for social media. If you do not want to have your comment shared publicly, please mention that in your comment. 

Email Communication

We may email you for clarification or updates related to our initiative. Your contact information will not be shared with third parties without your explicit consent. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy and security, please do not hesitate to contact us at