The Dangers of the #UnmaskHateNY Mask Ban

The #UnmaskHateNY campaign, launched to address rising antisemitism, proposes banning masks for Jewish safety but leaves disabled Jews and other marginalized communities behind. This initiative could have severe public health repercussions and stigmatize vulnerable groups.

Challenges of Enforcing Health Exemptions

Health exemptions for mask bans are impractical and unfair to enforce. Determining eligibility would burden individuals and law enforcement, especially since many health conditions requiring masks can be invisible- At least 10% of Americans have invisible disabilities. Some individuals wear masks to protect their health or the health of family members, even if they do not have any documented health risks themselves.

Requiring disclosure of private medical information infringes on privacy rights and can lead to discrimination. The logistical challenges of verifying exemptions would result in inconsistent application and abuse, creating a civil rights and public health crisis.

Stigmatizing Masks Leads to Harassment

Masks are crucial for safeguarding public health. Associating mask-wearing with anti-hate efforts undermines public safety and discriminates against health-conscious individuals.

Misguided Comparisons

The campaign draws parallels to historical instances of masked intimidation, such as those by the Ku Klux Klan. However, this comparison is misguided. Today, most people wear masks to protect their health and the health of others, not to intimidate. This conflation unfairly penalizes those who mask for safety and contributes to a climate of fear and discrimination. There is no substantial evidence that banning masks will deter crime or improve public safety. Data shows that crime rates decreased despite increased masked use. Studies have shown that face masks are less effective than sunglasses in hiding identity and do not deter facial recognition software.

Increased Danger for Mask-Wearers

Mask bans can often lead to increased harassment and discrimination against those who wear masks, including Jewish individuals.

Negative Impacts on Marginalized Groups

The UnMaskHateNY campaign claims to protect marginalized communities but overlooks the impact of mask bans on communities of color. Racial minorities have historically been targeted by police for mask usage. Asian Americans have faced an uptick in racist violence often tied to masking. Black and brown New Yorkers are more likely to mask and to suffer poor health outcomes following COVID infections. This contradiction highlights the campaign's failure to consider how such a ban exacerbates existing social injustices.

A Dangerous Approach to Antisemitism

Antisemitism remains a persistent issue with a deep-rooted nature in society. Superficial solutions are inadequate to address this complex problem. Antisemitism often manifests through harmful stereotypes and conspiracy theories that won’t go away with a single policy. We must address antisemitism through education, bystander intervention training, and solidarity, not through measures that compromise the health and civil liberties of New Yorkers. The principle of pikuach nefesh – the obligation to save a life – is a core tenet of Jewish tradition. Banning masks violates this principle by endangering lives and public health. It is a direct violation of Jewish values, as well as a threat to the safety and well-being of our communities.

Take Action to Protect Masks

The Unmask Hate campaign, while well-intentioned, adopts a misguided approach that poses significant risks to public health and safety. We need your help to contact key organizations and urge them to withdraw their support for this campaign:

Sign the Open Letter

If you are Jewish, sign the Jews for Mask Rights Open Letter to Kathy Hochul, Eric Adams, and NY elected officials. This letter opposes mask bans and explains why these bills violate our values and put Jewish people in more danger.

Who Can Sign: Jewish New Yorkers, commuters, and potential visitors. (You don’t have to personally use masks to support the rights of others!)

Who Can Share: Everyone, Jewish or not, can help by sharing the letter and spreading the word about the dangers of mask bans! Visit our Social Media Kit for templates and graphics to use!

Urge Groups to Withdraw Support

Please contact groups related to your own identities.

  • Policymakers: Advocate for policymakers to reject mask bans in any form. Emphasize that there is no substantial evidence that mask bans reduce crime; instead, they increase the risk of harassment and physical attacks on mask-wearers.

  • For Jewish people: Contact the ADL, ADL NY/NJ, JCRC-NY, and UJA-Federation of New York and request that they withdraw their support for the #UnmaskHateNY campaign. Explain how the campaign endangers public health for everyone, including Jewish people,  by stigmatizing mask-wearing, which is crucial for everyone’s health. If you are a donor or potential donor, explain that you will withhold donations until they withdraw their support for this dangerous campaign. 

  • For represented minorities: Contact the NAACP New York State and National Urban League and ask them to retract their endorsements. Highlight how mask bans will disproportionately affect communities of color, leading to increased racial profiling and discrimination.

For detailed steps and contact information, visit this toolkit created by Covid Advocacy NY. Together, we can protect public health and ensure the safety of all New Yorkers.


5 Health Risks of Hochul's Mask Ban