#NoNYMaskBan Call Script
🚨 UPDATE 3/19/25: Governor Hochul plans to push this through in the state budget, which is set for approval by 4/1. Call now and tell your friends to do the same!
Short URL: bit.ly/no-mask-ban
Who We’re Calling
Start by calling your New York State legislators. Begin with your State Senator—that’s the most important call. Then contact your Assembly Member. If you have time, contact Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, and Governor Hochul. While there isn’t a specific script for the last three, you can easily adapt the current one as a guide. If you can only make one call, make it to your State Senator.
How to Use the Tool
This tool is designed to help you make the most impactful call possible. Since personalized messages are most effective, we recommend focusing on one or two points that matter most to you. You can use the checklist to highlight those talking points for easy reference during your call. Before calling, quickly review the script to get comfortable with the flow and pick your messaging.
Key steps for an effective call:
Identify yourself as a constituent.
Say “any law that would criminalize masking” instead of “mask bans.” Some lawmakers claim to oppose “mask bans” while still supporting anti-mask bills.
Make a personal appeal.
Use a strong supporting argument.
Ask for the official’s position on anti-mask legislation being included in the budget.
Request a follow-up.
📢 After your calls, let us know how it went by filling out our debrief form!
Update 1/27/25 Update: The mask ban has been re-introduced to NY’s State Senate and Assembly as A03133/S03070. Learn more about the issues with the updated bill here.
Call Script Tool
I'm calling my:
1. Introduction:
Hi, my name is [Name], and I'm a constituent in your district.
I’m calling to oppose the inclusion of any anti-mask legislation in the State Budget…
If you're Jewish: on behalf of Jews for Mask Rights.
Any law that would criminalize masking, whether as an enhancement or a ban, is dangerous for New Yorkers.
That's why I'm asking the Senator oppose Hochul's inclusion of any anti-mask measures in the budget.
Also, please have them urge their majority leader (if Senate) Leader Stewart-Cousins / (if Assembly) Speaker Heastie to oppose it in negotiations.
Additionally, I'm asking the Senator to oppose any other anti-mask measures that may be brought up.
2. Personal Appeal (Pick One)
This issue is important to me because:
3. Supporting Arguments (Pick one)
4. Find Out Their Position
I urge the Senator to oppose any anti-mask legislation. Can you tell me where they stand on including anti-mask legislation in the budget?
If unsure:
Can you please share my concerns with them directly?
Can you follow up with me when you have an update?
If they support bans:
Can you please share my concerns with them directly?
I’d appreciate it if you could follow up with me.
If they oppose bans:
I’m glad to hear that! Have they made any public statements?
I'd love it if they could be more vocal about the dangers of these bans.
5. Make Sure They Follow Up
Can I get your full name, position here, and the best way to reach you?
My contact info is…
Looking forward to hearing back from you! If I don't, I will follow up again.
If sending additional information: I’ve sent an [email/fax] with more detailed information. Please ensure they review it.
Thank you for your time! I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Help us track positions by filling out our debrief form!
Our call tool works for any group, but this version focuses on the new legislation. For a general anti-mask-ban call script, please see the archived version here.
More Talking Points
Stand with us by adding your name.
Jews for Mask Rights is an independent group spearheading an open letter signed by Jewish individuals opposing mask bans in New York.
Join us in fighting legislation that threatens our safety.