Jews say: NO Mask Ban in NY!

Join thousands of Jewish leaders and community members opposing legislation that threatens Jewish safety under the guise of "security." Stand with us by adding your name.

A mask ban claiming to “protect Jews”
would only place us in greater danger.

Antisemitism is a real threat, but legislating masks will not protect Jews. Banning masks will not address the underlying ideologies that fuel antisemitic sentiments and behaviors. If anything, it may further exacerbate them.

Wearing a mask is a mitzvah. Forbidding it puts Jews at odds with our tradition, violating both our religious freedom and physical safety.

To do this in the name of protecting Jews – 20% of whom have a disability and many of whom mask for the safety of ourselves and our communities – is beyond the pale. Every voice counts, and we need to be clear: Masks keep us safe.

Make Your Voice Heard

Once you’ve signed our letter, join us in urging Governor Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, and New York State and NYC elected officials to uphold the right of all New Yorkers to wear a mask.

Follow Us At @Jews4MaskRights